Dimetrodon the Football Fanatic

I Dig dinos

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Before there were humans, before there were mammoths and sabertooth tigers, before there were dinosaurs… There were prehistoric reptiles known as pelycosaurs. These thick skulled beasts roamed the earth 5o million years before the first forms of dinosaurs evolved.The dimetrodon (dime-tro-dawn) was classified as one of these monsters. In fact the dimetrodon was more closely related to a mammal than a dinosaur. The most distinctive feature on this fearsome scrappy beast was its sail. Dimetrodon8DB.jpg

This sail normally depicted many different patterns and the cold blooded beast used his sail to 1.) Look like a badass lizard monster 2.) to regulate its temperature and 3.) Show off to all the chicks so he could slay some lizard poon. It is thought that male dimetrodons were larger then females so the larger the sail the more lizards a dude dimetrodon could get. Typically these beasts roamed around in what is now modern…

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