Pterodaustro the Weenie Bird

Originally posted on I Dig dinos:
Take a second and imagine the biggest, loser, weenie, scaredy cat, nerd, lives with his mother at age 45, bird dinosaur you can think of. The pterodaustro is probably the pink hued weenie you think of. The pterodaustro is very closely related to the south American bird known as…

Long Neck O’ Saurus Rex

Originally posted on I Dig dinos:
Long Neck O Saurus Rex Above is an attachment to an image of a dinosaur that changed my life. The Long Neck O’ Saurus Rex or LNOSR as I will commonly refer to him, redefined the way dinosaurs live… or die. LNOSR has a special condition where his brain…

Tyrannosaurus Flex

Originally posted on I Dig dinos:
TFlex Above is an attachment to one of the most feared dinosaurs of all time. The Tyrannosaurus Flex A.K.A the T-Flex, lived in the stone age and poached off of smaller nerdier dinosaurs lunch money. With this lunch money T-Flex could buy all the skateboards, backwards hats, and obey…

The Aardonyx

Originally posted on I Dig dinos:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The Aaradonyx is a herbivore who is also a little queer native to the woodlands of southern Africa… The Aaradonyx enjoys math, ignoring the weight room, and consuming large amounts of shrooms before having a debate regarding…

Dimetrodon the Football Fanatic

Originally posted on I Dig dinos:
Before there were humans, before there were mammoths and sabertooth tigers, before there were dinosaurs… There were prehistoric reptiles known as pelycosaurs. These thick skulled beasts roamed the earth 5o million years before the first forms of dinosaurs evolved.The dimetrodon (dime-tro-dawn) was classified as one of these monsters. In…

Achillobator, the Giant Angry Walking Bird

Originally posted on I Dig dinos:
The Achillobator (Ak-ilo-bay-tor) or the giant angry walking bird is a really mean dinosaur. Before I tell you about the interesting facts I must inform you about this graceful monster that dwelled in what is now central Asia (Mongolia). First and foremost the most fearsome of the giant angry…

The Achelousaurus

Originally posted on I Dig dinos:
The Achelousaurus A.K.A. the scary triceratops is an intimidating dinosaur that roamed the ancient earth in what is now modern day Compton.The Achelousaurus typically wears lots of raider gear, with chains, afros, and cornrows. The scary triceratops roams the streets of Compton looking for weaker dinosaurs to pick on.…